
Thanks Kitten, if you can share this is really ain info bomb, if enough relaise it.. Most people are directly attacking the WHO. Look at part 1 and then think of all the compassionate caring people, women in particular raising money for breast cancer and the doctors and people who get the money raised by charity, don't know or don't tell them to get their vitamin levels up

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Dear Mr Thomas

Thank you for this very valuable information. There is one thing that I would like to clarify: what is the best way (other than the sun) that we can raise our VD3 intake. The reason for my question is that it has come to my attention that the "supplements" are of no value, even a Con, due to the fact that only part of "good stuff" is taken from the original Natural substance, such as plants/herbs and that most of the VD3 products amounts to nothing more that 'rat poison'. This I had deemed from several places that I consider reputable.

I could be mis-informed, which is why I am asking you, as you seem to very informative on this mater. Thank you so much for help in this matter (it's an old post, so I probably won't hear from you). God Bless You

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