Recommended by Thomas Mitchell
Debra has put some much effort into trying to raise awareness about the World Health Organsiation and health being used as tool for utter Orwellian subjugation. She is a part of She stood for the QLD snates in small part called the silent Majorty in 2022 and we are far too silent. Please suppor Debra and share her information, and subscribe.
Ian brightope is a truly amazing medical and ehalth person in the fight for all of us for 50 years. He was found of ACNEM and WO. Imagine health like in this video.
Steve has been at the forefront of good data, go and look up where he brought up Toby Rogers post on we need to sacrifice 177 childrend sot save one. He really brought into focus the number needed to vaccine to save one NNTV that the phamra fims and regulators dont use
Jesscia is both a doctor and scientist and I find this PDF has been of use to many. I am unvaxxed but I have leart from it.